You Will Soon Be Able to Lock Meetings in Microsoft Team
If you use Microsoft Teams for your meetings, you'll soon have the ability to lock your meetings. This way you'll be able to prevent people from sending you requests to join your meeting. This feature is likely going to roll out sometime in May 2021.
Lock Meetings in Microsoft Teams
According to the Microsoft 365 roadmap, Microsoft Teams for desktop will get an option to lock online meetings. When this option is enabled, no more users will be allowed to join that particular locked meeting.
Microsoft describes this new feature in its own words as follows:
In the Teams meetings desktop app experience, organizers can choose to lock their meetings to prevent subsequent join attempts. Anyone attempting to join a lock meeting from any device will be informed that the meeting is locked.
While everyone will be able to use this feature, educational institutions will benefit the most from this as they'll be able to prevent late-comers from joining online classes.
How the "Lock the Meeting" Feature Will Work in Microsoft Teams
The organizer of a Microsoft Teams meeting will see an option called Lock the meeting in their Teams desktop app. When they click this option, their current meeting will get locked. This means no more users are allowed to join this meeting.
Related: Exciting New Features Arrive on Microsoft Teams in 2021
Now, if a user attempts to join this locked meeting, Teams will let them know that the meeting they want to join is locked and that they can't join it. If you're a meeting organizer, you'll save yourself from the constant distractions of join requests using this feature.
Initially, this feature will only be rolled out to Teams users on desktops. However, Microsoft might release it for other devices, too, in the coming months.
When You Will Be Able to Lock Meetings in Microsoft Teams
According to the roadmap, this feature to lock meetings will roll out to the general public by May 2021. There's no exact date as to when the feature is releasing.
With the rollout due in May, you're just a couple of weeks away from being able to try out this new feature in your Teams app.
Prevent People From Joining Your Meetings in Microsoft Teams
While you can always deny a request to join your Teams meeting, this new feature will stop those join requests altogether. This will prevent unnecessary annoyance and you'll be able to better focus on your current meeting.

If you use Microsoft Teams for your meetings, you'll soon have the ability to lock your meetings. This way you'll be able to prevent people from sending you requests to join your meeting. This feature is likely going to roll out sometime in May 2021.
Lock Meetings in Microsoft Teams
According to the Microsoft 365 roadmap, Microsoft Teams for desktop will get an option to lock online meetings. When this option is enabled, no more users will be allowed to join that particular locked meeting.
Microsoft describes this new feature in its own words as follows:
In the Teams meetings desktop app experience, organizers can choose to lock their meetings to prevent subsequent join attempts. Anyone attempting to join a lock meeting from any device will be informed that the meeting is locked.
While everyone will be able to use this feature, educational institutions will benefit the most from this as they'll be able to prevent late-comers from joining online classes.
How the "Lock the Meeting" Feature Will Work in Microsoft Teams
The organizer of a Microsoft Teams meeting will see an option called Lock the meeting in their Teams desktop app. When they click this option, their current meeting will get locked. This means no more users are allowed to join this meeting.
Related: Exciting New Features Arrive on Microsoft Teams in 2021
Now, if a user attempts to join this locked meeting, Teams will let them know that the meeting they want to join is locked and that they can't join it. If you're a meeting organizer, you'll save yourself from the constant distractions of join requests using this feature.
Initially, this feature will only be rolled out to Teams users on desktops. However, Microsoft might release it for other devices, too, in the coming months.
When You Will Be Able to Lock Meetings in Microsoft Teams
According to the roadmap, this feature to lock meetings will roll out to the general public by May 2021. There's no exact date as to when the feature is releasing.
With the rollout due in May, you're just a couple of weeks away from being able to try out this new feature in your Teams app.
Prevent People From Joining Your Meetings in Microsoft Teams
While you can always deny a request to join your Teams meeting, this new feature will stop those join requests altogether. This will prevent unnecessary annoyance and you'll be able to better focus on your current meeting.