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Happy Earth Day!
I love the colors of spring, the bright daffodils, tulips, and flowering trees. They make me smile. They also make me think about Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22nd. It’s a day to demonstrate support for environmental protection. You may not see the connection between organizing and environmental protection, but I’m reminded of it every time a client donates and recycles responsibly. Therefore, I’d like to share 3 simple ways we can show our support.
Earth Day Activities
Visit and support a local farm. Two wonderful options are Golden Hour Tulips and Wicked Tulip Flower Farm. The above photos are from my recent visit to Golden Hour Tulips. It was an amateur photographer’s dream! Pick up roadside trash in your neighborhood. In my town the Keep North Attleboro Beautiful organization is sponsoring a Great American Cleanup campaign on May 1st. Think of the bees by planting wild flowers and buying local honey. I get mine at Leonardi Apiary & Garden in Plainville, MA.
Treat every container as a refrigerator!
For the month of April, both my tip of the month and my blog discussed containers. I’d like to offer another tip about containers. They’re very helpful organizing tools if used correctly. That is, if we accept the limits of the container and treat every container as a refrigerator. What do I mean by that? Well, what will happen if we buy more food than will fit into our fridge? The food will spoil. So we can only purchase as much as will fit inside the fridge. If we buy too much, we have to reduce down to an amount that will fit. Fitting in means, that the items in the fridge are organized and easy to get at, not overstuffed. This is what I mean by treating every container as a refrigerator. Use this refrigerator concept with all the containers in our homes. Use it for shoe racks, book cases, kitchen cupboards, medicine cabinets, file drawers, sewing baskets. Every container! If you have more shoes than will fit into your shoe rack, they will spoil. So reduce down to an amount that will fit in, in an organized and easy to use way. Using this tip will not only help you get organized, it will prompt you to reduce down to a manageable amount, which will help you stay organized.
My next class is on May 4th at 7:00pm in conjunction with the Franklin Public Library. The topic Keep the Memories, Not the Stuff is about reducing and releasing sentimental possessions. It is open to the public and on the Zoom format. To register and get the link please contact the library.
Ever thought about Virtual Organizing with me? Now’s your chance. I’m offering it as an option. Call or email me for details, 508-699-6652,
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